Saturday, August 27, 2011

Darth Vader Goes to Disneyland

This is a funny video I found on the Disney website. It's about Darth Vader going to Disneyland for Star Tours, but the ride is closed. So, he waits and goes on rides. After that, he checks, and it's still not open. Then, he breaks in!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Help Kids Know They Need to Stay in School

I have to stay in school because I want to work at Disney World. I know I need to learn stuff so that I can do that when I'm big. But, sometimes, kids don't think they need to stay in school. They think school is hard or boring. But, it's really important.

P&G, a big company that makes a lot of different stuff we buy like laundry soap and diapers, is supporting CIS or Communities in Schools that works with kids to help them stay in school so that they can keep learning and graduate from high school and get the job that they want someday.

They are making a difference!

Use P&G coupons to give to this organization. And, click here to watch a very short video on Facebook. Every time it is viewed, P&G will give 25 cents to Communities in School, up to $10,000. To give that much, the video needs to be watched 40,000. Can you be one of those?

While you are there, you may want to enter the contest for whatever school you name to win $10,000 to help them help kids stay in school. I wonder if my school could win!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I found a walking trash can in Tomorrowland. His name was Push. He is always roaming around somewhere in Tomorrowland. Sometimes, he is in stores or near rides. He is really funny. See if you can find the person controlling him. 

Newspaper Robot

On the way to the people mover, I found a newspaper robot. I really liked it. 

I looked at the newspapers, and it said "Stitch Escapes." I really liked looking at it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Star Wars Video

This is a game I did at And, the game was called Crawl Creator. It is fun to make up your own story, and I like the Star Wars website.

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Yard Goes Disney

This is a show that Disney imagineers come to your house, and they send the children to somewhere, and they surprise them by making their backyard a Disney theme. I like watching it. The first one I watched was the theme Animal Kingdom. The second one I watched was a Mickey shaped pool. Today, I am watching a pirate one. 

If they came to my house, I would like to make my backyard a Star Tours theme.

The show is on HGTV. Watch it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This is a picture of a bunch of jawas cleaning out their sand crawler and selling robots. I thought this picture was really cool.

Mickey Fill in the Blank Story

This is fun to do. You can make your own by clicking here.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Star Wars Pictures

These are some funny Star Wars pictures I found.

Comic Convention Day 2

I really wanted to go to the convention again to get some more Star Wars figures and to look again. So, Daddy and Mama said okay. I went there in a train. I had lots of fun.

This picture I got to take with a scout trooper.

We met the actor who played young Boba Fett in Star Wars. Here is what he looked like in Star Wars.

Drew did a jedi training academy and got to fight with a light saber. Can you see me in the back?

This is a picture of a scout trooper, and this is a boss one. I thought it looked cool. They make their own storm trooper gear by molding plastic.

I got to take a picture with a storm trooper. I got to hold the gun. It was heavy.

I saw a lego creation of storm troopers and Darth Vader in a restaurant eating food.

There was free sketches, and you could ask him to draw a Star Wars character, and he drew it for me. I made him draw a hammerhead.

It was cool that I could take a picture with a lot of Star Wars characters. It was so cool. It was fun.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Comic Convention

My mom took us to the Comic Convention. She got free tickets. It was really fun, and we got to buy some things.

This picture I took with a Storm Trooper. 

I got to take a picture with Captain Jack Sparrow.

I got to buy a toy of my favorite Star Wars alien - a hammerhead.

Here's a picture of Darth Vader.

This is a mouse droid.

I got to take a picture with a storm trooper officer.

I spotted a toy of the Starspeeder 1000, and I got to buy it. It makes cool sounds, and it's really cool. I felt really excited when I saw it!

I got to take a picture with the actor of young Anakin Skywalker in Episode 1. He was 8 when he was in the movie. Now, he is 22. It was fun.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Star Tours Passport

If you want a galactic passport for Star Tours, make this craft. You can be a jedi, a pod racer, a queen, or a rebel pilot. It was fun making it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Space Mountain Coloring Page

Space Mountain is my favorite ride. I think I did it 4 times. My mom says I did it more.

The Haunted Mansion Changes

The Haunted Mansion has new things. The line is really fun, and you get to do cool stuff. And, the ghosts glow brighter. In the mirrors, you get to interact with the ghosts. It will be cool.

New Star Tours Opens

The new Star Tours opened May 20th. It is different every time. You go to different planets, and C3PO drives a new Starspeeder 1000. I can't wait to go on it.

Evan's Future News

This video was taken in Spaceship Earth in Epcot, and it is my future. I want to share it with you.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Starspeeder 1000 craft

Me and Drew did this craft and I thought it was really cool because it is the new Starspeeder 1000 from the new Star Tours ride.

Download the speeder here: Star Tours Starspeeder 1000


  1. Print the speeder template and cut out the pieces. Make all folds along the dashed lines. Note: The folds adjacent to the #4 and #11 panels should be made toward you.
  2. Using glue or double-sided tape, attach all tabs to their corresponding pieces in numerical order, starting with the starboard side and bottom. Note: The #1 tabs should be secured to the panel between them. The design on the #4 panel will line up with the design at the back of the speeder.
  3. On the roof and port side, secure the #8 tabs to the panel between them, then begin attaching the port side to the bottom with tabs #9 and #10. The design on the #11 panel will line up with the design at the back of the speeder (opposite the #4 panel). Continue to attach the two pieces by securing the tabs in numerical order.
  4. Secure all hyperdrive tabs numbered 1-4 to their corresponding sides. Make sure all outer tabs along the hyperdrive are folded underneath the piece, and use those tabs to secure the hyperdrive to the speeder. The back of the hyperdrive should be placed so that it is flush with the back of the speeder.
  5. Fold the solar array fin in half so the design is two-sided, then secure with glue or double-sided tape. Do not stick the tabs together. Butterfly the tabs outward, and use them to attach the fin to the tip of the hyperdrive and the roof of the speeder.
  6. Fold the droid in half so the design is two-sided, then secure with glue or double-sided tape. Do not stick the tabs together. Butterfly the tabs outward, and use them to attach the droid to the roof of the speeder where indicated.

Donald Movie

Ashlyn and me and Drew love this movie. It is very funny. It is about Donald going to a museum and funny things happen to him.