Monday, June 13, 2011

Starspeeder 1000 craft

Me and Drew did this craft and I thought it was really cool because it is the new Starspeeder 1000 from the new Star Tours ride.

Download the speeder here: Star Tours Starspeeder 1000


  1. Print the speeder template and cut out the pieces. Make all folds along the dashed lines. Note: The folds adjacent to the #4 and #11 panels should be made toward you.
  2. Using glue or double-sided tape, attach all tabs to their corresponding pieces in numerical order, starting with the starboard side and bottom. Note: The #1 tabs should be secured to the panel between them. The design on the #4 panel will line up with the design at the back of the speeder.
  3. On the roof and port side, secure the #8 tabs to the panel between them, then begin attaching the port side to the bottom with tabs #9 and #10. The design on the #11 panel will line up with the design at the back of the speeder (opposite the #4 panel). Continue to attach the two pieces by securing the tabs in numerical order.
  4. Secure all hyperdrive tabs numbered 1-4 to their corresponding sides. Make sure all outer tabs along the hyperdrive are folded underneath the piece, and use those tabs to secure the hyperdrive to the speeder. The back of the hyperdrive should be placed so that it is flush with the back of the speeder.
  5. Fold the solar array fin in half so the design is two-sided, then secure with glue or double-sided tape. Do not stick the tabs together. Butterfly the tabs outward, and use them to attach the fin to the tip of the hyperdrive and the roof of the speeder.
  6. Fold the droid in half so the design is two-sided, then secure with glue or double-sided tape. Do not stick the tabs together. Butterfly the tabs outward, and use them to attach the droid to the roof of the speeder where indicated.

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